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2020 BOD Election

Agami has come a long way today and it would not have been possible without sound leadership in place. The opportunity to choose the next in line of leadership is upon us. The board of directors will comprise of three elected members/ directors, for a term of three years. The newly elected board members/directors will then select the next President and executive committee. 

Let us introduce ourselves as the official Election Commission 2020. The Election Commission is responsible for managing and supervising elections; warranting compliance with Agami by laws and guidelines. This ensures a fair election and outcome. I, Imtiaz Chowdhury along with Mehreen Munawar will serve as the election committee this year. We have both been closely involved with Agami for some time and we pledge to conduct an unbiased and sound election on your behalf.

We would like to announce the official beginning of Election of Agami - Board of Directors, 2020!

Keep a look out for more communication regarding dates below-

  • Membership cutoff date : August 25, 2020

  • Nomination deadline: September 20, 2020

  • Nomination withdrawal deadline: September 23, 2020

  • Election Period: September 25, 2020 to September 29, 2020

We have answered some frequently asked questions for you. Please feel free to reach out to us if needed through email or Please note that you must be a paid member of Agami Inc. to be able to run, nominate, second or vote. If you are not a member yet then please become a member by signing up at 

I want to run for a board of director position. How do I go about it?

You must have an Agami member nominate you and another second the nomination. You must also satisfy the criteria below :

  1. You are a paid and voting member

  2. You have been actively involved with Agami for at least two years ( Since 2018 or earlier)

I want to nominate someone to run for election. How do I do that?

If you are an Agami member, you may nominate up to two people and second up to two people. Please submit all nominations by filling out this nomination form online. 

Someone nominated me and I do not want to run- what do I do ?

If your nomination has been seconded and you satisfy criteria of a nominee, we will reach out to you to confirm your nomination. You will have the opportunity to turn down the nomination.

I had accepted my nomination but I have now changed my mind. How do I withdraw ?

You have till September 23rd, 2020 5:00 pm EST to withdraw your nomination. Please get in touch with the Election Commission and let them know your intent. See Agami Bylaws for your reference.

We hope to announce and welcome our new board of directors during Agami’s Annual general Meeting, scheduled to be held on October 4th, 2020. Thank you for participating.

Earlier Event: August 25
2020 Membership Deadline
Later Event: September 26
Agami Annual Fundraiser