MoU between Agami Inc. and Jolputul Puppets and Khepa

The signing ceremony of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between Agami Inc. (USA) and Jolputul Puppets (Bangladesh) at the office of the Agami Education Foundation in Dhaka on August 14th, 2021. Another MoU between Agami Inc. (USA) and Khepa (Bangladesh) was signed signed as well. Both collaborations are committed to promoting underprivileged children education in Bangladesh through various joint initiatives. A huge shout-out to Mustafijur Rahman, Director of Operations, Agami Inc., for helping to develop this partnership.

Background Story - Agami Inc. chapter, Agami Southeast Chapter (ASEC) first collaborated with both Jolputul Puppets and Khepa during their fundraiser in May. The virtual fundraiser for the very first time hosted a puppetry show and puppet workshop for the North American kids in ASEC. Khepa was our media partner and help to market the event in Bangladesh. ASEC event was captured in nine leading newspapers.

Just a few months down, Agami Inc. has officially collaborated with both Khepa and Jolputul Puppets to bring awareness and promote education for the underprivileged.

About our collaborators - Khepa is a creative young group of writing enthusiasts. Located in Dhaka, Bangladesh and volunteer based. Their motto, “Srejonsheel Taronner Joutha Poribar” mostly focused on the theater based cultural activities and news media. They work on publishing books and are involved in collaborative activities throughout the community to expand cultural activities to provide better social environment to all. With the partnership in place, Khepa will use its media channels to help Agami spread the word. The collaboration will help Agami Inc. strengthen its brand.

Jolputul Puppets is a young group of puppet team. They not only perform puppet shows but also conduct trainings and workshops for children to show them how to create puppets by using recycled materials like water bottle, poly bags, etc. Jolputul team’s view is to change the society with positive energy and creativity. Puppetry is old and very traditional, and was once a convenient way of showcasing cultural stories. Jolputul Puppets is bringing back this learning medium with a modern twist. With the partnership in place, Agami plans to design and implement engagement, logistics, of puppet activities in Agami-supported schools by featuring Jolputul Puppets.

Agami 3.0 is about collaborating with the right people, for bigger and better impact.