You may be aware of the very successful virtual annual fundraiser that took place last Saturday, September 26. Kudos to the fundraising team for their herculean efforts in putting together a flawless program and raising an enviable amount breaking all known virtual fundraising records. The team has worked tirelessly for months. They deserve a break.
Because many of the fundraising team members are also involved in the preparation for the Annual General Meeting, we decided to move the meeting out by a week to Sunday, October 11, 2020. The meeting will be a virtual one and will start at 2 p.m. PT (5 p.m. ET).
You are invited to join the meeting at:
Meeting ID: 963 0972 8336
Passcode: 751768
Tentative Agenda:
Welcome by the board chairman Abu Hassan (5 min)
Board report by Mustafiz Choudhury (20 min)
President's report by Babu Rahman (30 min)
KAB report by Dilruba Chowdhury (15 min)
School program report by Sarah Rahman and Tanjeem Ahsan (15 min)
Open discussion (up to 30 min)